Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay about Imagery in Their Eyes Were Watching God

Imagery in Their Eyes Were Watching God The novel, Their Eyes Were Watching God contains beautiful imagery that conveys the thoughts of the author towards the antagonist of this story, Janie Crawford. Through her four distinct lives as Janie Crawford, Janie Killicks, Janie Starks, and Janie Woods she realizes that each day the sun rises a new change is apparent in her life. The experience of each distinct life makes her realize more about herself than she ever knew before. She comes to a self-revelation about herself. Even though it takes her the entire novel to realize her sexual awakening from the blossoming pear tree to experience unadulterated love, she does so as the sun falls and rises past the years of her maturing life.†¦show more content†¦Janie realized that it was time for a change and to take a chance in attempt to attain love by her own means. Nanny wouldve disapproved of the big talk behind a black man like Jody Starks; however, he would create an even more financially stable setting for Janie t o live in than in the marriage she set up Janie with the farmer, Logan Killicks. Marrying Joe without even divorcing Logan, she settles with him in her new life at Eatonville. He buys two hundred acres of land, quickly becoming mayor of the all-black town with Janie becoming Mrs. Mayor. She is forced to run the grocery store, which she doesnt like and is often ordered around and ridiculed by her husband. Joe was now showing his true character since before they got married he said he would love her and treat her with the utmost respect, but this wasnt the case at all. Living with the pain caused by her second husband for almost two decades, she realized that he wasnt the man she was looking for. She was thirty-five now and was beginning to mature. But mostly she lived between her hat and her heels, with her emotional disturbances like shade patterns in the woods-come and gone with the sun. She got nothing from Jody except what money could buy, and she was giving away what she didnt value. (Hurston: 76). More now than ever she realizes that Joe was a harsh and cold man she never loved. Also, thisShow MoreRelated Essay on Imagery in Their Eyes Were Watching God1096 Words   |  5 PagesPositive Imagery in Their Eyes Were Watching God In Zora Neale Hurstons novel, Their Eyes Were Watching God, the life of Janie is presented as a journey. Janie survives a grandmother, three husbands, and innumerable friends. Throughout this journey, she moves towards her ideals about love and how to live ones life. Hurston chooses to define Janie not by what is wrong in her life, but by what is good in it. 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Also, at this same time Hurston had finished writing, Their Eyes Were Watching God in only seven short weeks. A close reading of this novel provides the reader with a relationship between voodoo and the text. Hurston not only explores female spirituality and sexuality in, Their Eyes Were Watching God, but weaves the two together revealing that voodoo culture plays an important role within the novel especially in the comparisonsRead MoreJody Starks s All Of The Men1716 Words   |  7 Pageshim. Being married to Jody opened up Janie’s ability to use her voice, which allows her to take control over her life and has taken a stand to use her voice, instead of always staying quiet (Racine). In the book Zora Neale Hurston s Their eyes were watching God : a casebook edited by Cheryl A. Wall it states, We can see this because Janie does have inside/outside voice, which plays into the novel and her inside speech is what she would like to say when someone insults her, but her outside voice

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